\en-e-a-gram-`ma-tik\ noun the use & function of an enneagram
"Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
- Mary Oliver

Our Goal
Have you ever struggled to understand and relate to people?
Me too. Then I found a really good map.
I learned that we humans are born and quickly learn habits that make us feel safe in the world. Habits that make us think and feel and act certain ways to keep feeling secure. We develop these strategies and keep using them. Some work great! Others? Not so much. Yet we still stick with them, even if they don’t work well for us - or those around us.
The enneagram maps these patterns. Recognizing them helps us understand and have more compassion for ourselves and others and make more intentional choices.
And that lets us redefine our relationships - with ourselves and other people.
It’s a simple and complex map. Helping practically navigate the map is what I do. I want to help you get past existing into living.
“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”
- Abraham Maslow
My Services
Expertise. Insight. Ingenuity.

verb to seek information or advice from someone with expertise in a particular area
verb to devise a strategy or strategies
verb to prompt or urge (someone) with instructions

verb to show or explain how to do something; to cause someone to learn or understand something by example or experience
The enneagram is a map that shows us how different motivations drive our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Learning about these differences and similarities help us become more aware and better understand ourselves and others. This opens up the possibilities of learning more skillful means and intentionally choosing more adaptive strategies of relating which leads to better relationships - with ourselves and with other people. I teach people this map and how to practically work with it order to grow.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
- Victor E. Frankl

Bona Fides
Lee serves on the Board of International Enneagram Association’s Southeast USA chapter and has extensively studied the Enneagram. She uses it as a tool for personal growth, professional/organizational development, as well as a more somatically focused approach. We can customize our work depending on your goals.
Here are some of the trainings and programs that have informed my approach.
Certified Enneagram Professional - IEA accredited
“Enneagram Applications” with Nan Henson & Lynda Roberts’, “Enneagram Georgia”
(40 hours)
Riso-Hudson - The Enneagram Institute
Authorized workshop series with Nan Henson “Enneagram Atlanta” (56 hours); other workshops through Enneagram Atlanta with Nan Henson. (12 hours)
The Narrative Enneagram
Dr. David Daniels’ & Helen Palmer’s IEA accredited school. Lee has completed both the teacher and practitioner tracks through TNE, studying with Terry Saracino, Peter O’Hanrahan, Renee Rosario, Christopher Copeland & Marion Gilbert. (136 hours)
Awareness to Action, International
Mario Sikora, Maria Jose Munita & Tamer Zennaty’s IEA accredited school, furthering study through their 3 module certified practitioner program. (continuing)
Marion Gilbert’s “Somatic Enneagram”
Furthering study with Marion’s 5 module certified practitioner program. (continuing)
Other workshops, study groups, and communities:
Peter O’Hanrahan’s “Holisitc Enenagram” and small study groups; Russ Hudson’s “Awakened Community”, Leslie Hershberger’s “The Centers Approach” program; Workshops with, Peter O’Hanrahan, Leslie Hershberger, Russ Hudson. Bea Chestnut & Uranio Paes, Abi Robbins, Suzanne Stabile, Reverend Joe Stabile.
Podcasts & Appearances:
Fathoms: An Enneagram Podcast Seasons 1,2 &3, episodes: Enneagram & Coffee with Sarajane Case, episode: Typecast, episode: Coaching with Abbi Rodriguez, episode: Enneagram Summit 2021, Enneagram & Coffee/Sarajane Case